Have you ever said, “I’m not going down without a fight”?
Have you said, “I am not going down without a fight”?
I used to say that phrase to mean that I am not giving up.
However, I started to see a flaw in using that phrase.
What if we change it to…
Yes, there is failure in life and business. Sometimes we don’t always succeed. It is certain that we will fall and fail miserably.
However, I have learned that if it is God’s will for me to do something, I am NOT going down. Period. I can trust that God will finish what He has started (Philippians 1:6) so I am not going to abandon ship halfway through the journey.
I am not fighting in the direction of going down. I am fighting in the direction of going up, toward where God is calling me. It’s a battle, but I am not going down. Who's with me?
Remembering key milestones along the way is a great way to keep moving forward. That is one of the main reasons I created Esaltare Designs. Sometimes we need a tangible reminder of how far we have come. What milestone can you celebrate today?