I did something crazy. And I don’t regret it.

Dear Successful Ladies, 

Before I even made a dime with my startup, Esaltare Designs, I committed to give away the first $2,000. What?!!


While this is not necessarily sound business logic as a startup, there is a reason.

I trust God and I acknowledge that everything I have is His, including my businesses.

“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops.” —Proverbs 3:9

“God called his people to bring the first yield—the first fruits—from their harvest to him as an offering. This was to demonstrate the Israelites’ obedience and reverence for God. It also showed that they trusted God to provide enough crops to feed their family,” writes Jesse Wisnewski in A Short Guide To Understand First Fruits Offerings.

Thankfully, Doug Meadows of David Douglas Diamonds, the jewelry business we partner with to create our beautiful designs, agreed.

Imagine going to your business partner and saying, “I know this sounds crazy because we haven’t made any money yet, but do you want to give away the first $2,000?”

Thank you to the David Douglas Diamonds team for being tenacious and crazy with us!

So what are we doing with the money?

We are donating it to Lincoln Village Ministry to fund a scholarship for an under-resourced child to attend Little Linc Preschool! Little Linc is a private preschool where children are nurtured, encouraged, and valued for who they are in Christ.

We are donating it to Lincoln Village Ministry to fund a scholarship for an under-resourced child to attend Little Linc Preschool!

We want the foundation of Esaltare Designs to be rooted in our company’s core values. Celebrate With Thankfulness. Edify One Another. Uplift Others. Be Tenacious. Give first.

Thank you to each of you who has purchased a piece of jewelry, shared our content on social media, followed us on social media, prayed for us, and supported us. We couldn’t have done this without you.

If you believe in what we are doing, please consider following us on social media and sharing our content. We will continue to give a portion of our profits to support organizations like this.

More good to come!

Stephanie Richards, M.A.
Founder & Director of:
Esaltare Designs
On Camera Fashion
SowGrow Public Relations

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