Why is the event speaker hiding in the drapes?

Dear Successful Ladies, 

In the previous blog post, I shared how to get more speaking engagements with Esaltare Designs Speaker Opportunity Database, but what do you wear when you DO land that speaking engagement?

Let’s start with what NOT to wear.

Please refrain from wearing the curtains or the backdrop.

Wait, what?!

What is the go-to color for many people when they have a speaking engagement? Black.

What is the color of most event backdrops? Black.

See a problem here?

Where is the speaker?


The speaker should stand out and be visible. It is difficult to be visible when you blend in with the background. If you are the speaker at an event, check to see what color the backdrop will be. When possible, opt for a bold, confident color that will show up on stage. Do not forget to add a little sparkle to your ensemble.

I hope your business goals are this sparkly.



Stephanie Richards, M.A.
Founder & Director of:
Esaltare Designs
On Camera Fashion
SowGrow Public Relations

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