What is the point of being successful if you do not use that success to uplift others? No one is truly successful on their own. Who helped you along the way? Who can you uplift?
Below are the organizations Esaltare Designs supports in our mission to celebrate and uplift others. A portion of every purchase goes to support these organizations.
Lincoln Village Ministry
Lincoln Village Ministries is a non-profit organization that is the results of one man’s call to action. The ministry has eight distinct focus areas: 3 & 4 year-old preschool, K-8th grade private Christian school, high school mentoring, after-school care, summer camp program, affordable housing, family support, and community engagement opportunities. Lincoln Village Ministry works towards creating environments and relationships which help children grow to be healthy and productive adults. Generational change happens when we teach others how to build strong families and communities. For more information on Lincoln Village Ministry, visit https://www.lincolnvillage.org/.
Perspective Ministries
Meeting the practical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the widow and fatherless encouraging them to put their trust in God. “A Father to the fatherless, a defender of the widows, is God in His holy dwelling,” became an anchor for the Apon family upon the tragic death of Bobby Apon, Lori’s husband and father of their eight children. God’s promise in Psalm 68:5 shaped their perspective in the midst of tragedy. His faithfulness was on full display as their community and church ministered with overwhelming compassion and love!
Twenty years later, Lori Apon, founder and Executive Director of Perspective Ministries, passionately shares her experience as a widow with others, leading them to discover that God delights in fulfilling all His promises to those who no longer have a husband or father. Through helpful resources, support groups, and the ground-breaking help tool (coming soon) Perspective Ministries meets widows in their time of need while also helping communities and churches care for the widow and her fatherless children in ways that are meaningful to them. For more information, visit https://perspectiveministries.org.
Gem Legacy
Gem Legacy was birthed in their belief that gems have a remarkable power to change lives and impact the world, if we all work together. Gem Legacy seeks to expand the natural beneficiation of gemstone mining on the surrounding community through kids, education, and entrepreneurship! Positive impact is our goal. For more information visit www.gemlegacy.org.